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Tong Shangyan CO., LTD. is a young, gobalized food service provider. With a knack for innovation, they continue to create buzz and new standards in Taiwan.


In Japanese culture, people say "Itadakimasu!" before digging in, which means "I am gonna start!", and translted to mandarin Chinese it would be "Wo yao KAIDON le!". Taking the verb "Kaidon" as the brand name, KAIDON expects every customer to be satisfied with its delicious donburi dishes. In order to create "The Best Donburi of the World", the team has been going several times to Japan for field trip. Besides, they kept trying in kitchen for one goal, and one goal only, which is to creat the unforgettable delicious Donburi.



LOBA BRAISED PORK RICE2018年杰立餐飲集團全新品牌滷香似家,滷肉飯是遊子思念家鄉的滋味,走遍世界,嚐遍世界美食,真正美好的味道就在你身邊。三大獨家獨創滷肉 肥/中/瘦比例選擇,精選配菜 酸菜/香菜/魚鬆蛋品 滷蛋/荷包蛋/溫泉蛋任選搭配,拼湊屬於自己心目中的那碗滷肉飯!堅持使用好食材台灣最好的豬肉-究好豬;孕婦可安心食用的大武山鮮蛋;每日現熬大骨湯頭及主廚精心研發滷汁,成就出LOBA最真摯的精神!

  • In Japanese culture, people say "Itadakimasu!" before digging in, which means "I am gonna start!", and translted to mandarin Chinese it would be "Wo yao KAIDON le!". Taking the verb "Kaidon" as the brand name, KAIDON expects every customer to be satisfied with its delicious donburi dishes. In order to create "The Best Donburi of the World", the team has been going several times to Japan for field trip. Besides, they kept trying in kitchen for one goal, and one goal only, which is to creat the unforgettable delicious Donburi.

  • LOBA BRAISED PORK RICE2018年杰立餐飲集團全新品牌滷香似家,滷肉飯是遊子思念家鄉的滋味,走遍世界,嚐遍世界美食,真正美好的味道就在你身邊。三大獨家獨創滷肉 肥/中/瘦比例選擇,精選配菜 酸菜/香菜/魚鬆蛋品 滷蛋/荷包蛋/溫泉蛋任選搭配,拼湊屬於自己心目中的那碗滷肉飯!堅持使用好食材台灣最好的豬肉-究好豬;孕婦可安心食用的大武山鮮蛋;每日現熬大骨湯頭及主廚精心研發滷汁,成就出LOBA最真摯的精神!